Marketers feel increasing pressure to demonstrate ROI and prove their value. Big Data and the analytics software and apps that help make sense of it are providing a way for them to do so.
This week’s Marketing Performance News Roundup brings you five articles about how smart use of Big Data is becoming an essential element of every marketing strategy.
- How Big Data Brings Marketing and Finance Together. Harvard Business Review: “Analytics has exposed organizational anachronisms such as adversarial marketing-finance relationships and a focus on traditional year-long planning (instead of constant optimization) in marketing groups little changed for decades. This has spurred re-thinks that include changes to key executive relationships.”
- 3 Ways to Maximize Your Marketing ROI. Forbes: “More consumers are flocking to digital channels, rather than visiting brick and mortar locations. As a result, 60% of survey respondents said they were investing or planning to invest more in digital. Those channels are the gateways for e-commerce, and 40% of executives said they are funneling resources toward those efforts.”
- Big Data: A Tool for Marketing ROI. The Huffington Post: “With information at our disposal in volumes never before thought possible, these kinds of decisions can be drawn on for businesses large and small to drive returns that are measurable both in short spans and over the long haul.”
- 85 Percent of Marketers Feel More Demand to Show ROI, Survey Says. IT Business: “Aside from trying to craft the right messages that will appeal to the right audience at the right time, marketers also need to prove their worth of the daily grind to the C-suite – in fact, 85 percent of marketers feel there’s increasing pressure to show their ROI, a recent survey has found. Fourteen percent say the amount of pressure is the same, while just one percent said the pressure’s decreasing.”
- Digital Marketers Love Email, Track ROI by Site Visits, Still Use Print. CMS Wire: “Marketers need to recognize the customer across an increasing number of channels and have meaningful, personalized interactions that create a connected experience. They need a single view of the customer that they can leverage in real-time”
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